Hi, I'm Sebastian Ha, a second year computer games development student.
I'm a passionate game developer skilled in Unity, Unreal, and C++. I love solving problems and pushing the limits of interactive experiences especially when collaborating in a team.
Game Developer | Problem Solver | Tech Enthusiast
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My Latest Project
A 3D Multi camera view project made in Godot
Step into the driver’s seat during the chaos of rush hour, ferrying strangers through the city as they make their way
home. With every passenger that slides into your cab, you catch glimpses of their lives—small moments that hint at
something much bigger. As their stories unfold, you’re hit with the realization that each person, no matter how fleeting
their presence, carries a world just as intricate as your own. And in witnessing their journeys, you start to reflect on
your own, that familiar yet fleeting feeling of sonder settling in once again.
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Interested in what I bring to the table on your project ideas? Well why not give me a message and I'll be sure to reply to you!
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